I am pleased to announce that I will be featuring some GUEST BLOG POSTS from fellow volunteers at Wusuta and possibly some other visitors of Ghana! This way readers interested in volunteering at Wusuta or visiting in Ghana will get some other first hand accounts of people's experiences there!
Making my dream of a better world a reality: A recording of my experiences with Ghana through a development perspective.
29 October 2013
17 October 2013
Finding my place
Looking back on all of the different places I've been. Faces I've seen. Knowing they're all still out there somewhere. Far away from the place I'm in now. Are they places that actually still exist? or are they just all old memories of a different life? So much has changed.
How do I remember all of those places? How do I carry them with me? How do I sift through all of the different places and manage to appreciate the place I'm in now? How do I know if there's a particular place that I'm meant to be in? Which place is it? And when? What if I go back to a place and it has changed? How do I let go of the old to make way for the new? How do I remain the same person in each and every place?
How can I find myself by getting lost half way around the world in a strange place? But lose myself coming home to such a familiar place? Must I go back to that place in order to find myself again?
These are the questions that distract me from managing to live my life now.
How do I remember all of those places? How do I carry them with me? How do I sift through all of the different places and manage to appreciate the place I'm in now? How do I know if there's a particular place that I'm meant to be in? Which place is it? And when? What if I go back to a place and it has changed? How do I let go of the old to make way for the new? How do I remain the same person in each and every place?
How can I find myself by getting lost half way around the world in a strange place? But lose myself coming home to such a familiar place? Must I go back to that place in order to find myself again?
These are the questions that distract me from managing to live my life now.
14 October 2013
Be Thankful
In the midst of being thankful for my big, adventurous and happy life I am also trying to take the time to be thankful for things that might otherwise be taken for granted. I can't help but think back to the time in Ghana when my friends and I started listing off all of the big and small things we were thankful for. Like food, drinkable water, electricity, internet, mosquito nets, hospitals, chocolate, education, new friends, the kindness of strangers and so much more. We could not stop ourselves and the list went on for a long while. But the truth is, I am thankful for life itself. My life has been amazing, even with the hardships that I have faced I know that it is more than I deserve.
I am thankful for the amazing year that life has thrown me and all of the lovely people who have stuck by my side through all of the good and bad. I have witnessed unconditional love from my family and friends and with it I have learned anything is possible, even when it comes to going after your own dreams and happiness. Without that support my actions and decisions would have been a lot harder to make and be a lot more meaningless.
Most importantly I am thankful for the endless opportunities that I have here in Canada. The first example is sometimes I think "wow... how amazing is it that I have access to credit and can take out a student loan, just so that I can move out and be close to school? I can shape my life however I want? I can't believe how lucky I am!". Another example is how I visited a health clinic here in Calgary. I simply walked in and said I needed help, they took me in right away no questions asked, there were multiple nurses and doctors there to help, the office was clean, quiet and organized, they openly discussed my problem and their solution, but most amazingly I walked in and out free of charge. You might think, a typical visit to any health clinic in Canada right? Well when I compare this experience to my hospital experience in Ghana, I am overwhelmed with gratitude at how lucky I am to have such an amazing system. Not that the hospital in Ghana was remotely bad to say the least, it is just different than what I am used to and probably has less resources. Lastly, of course I have to be above all grateful for my education and job opportunities that are present in my life. These two things are really all anyone in the world needs to get there life moving in a positive direction and many people lack as much opportunity and choice that I have.
People of the world need to have equal capabilities and opportunities to make free decisions in life if there is ever to be true equality. Clearly... another "too-big" dream of mine.
Obviously there is also too much to be thankful for this thanksgiving! And I will go on using my gratitude to stay happy in my life so that I may spread happiness in the lives of others. Above all I am most grateful for continuously finding new meanings of grace as it has become the word which defines my life. I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and hope that you all take the time to also be thankful for the things that you would otherwise take for granted.
I am thankful for the amazing year that life has thrown me and all of the lovely people who have stuck by my side through all of the good and bad. I have witnessed unconditional love from my family and friends and with it I have learned anything is possible, even when it comes to going after your own dreams and happiness. Without that support my actions and decisions would have been a lot harder to make and be a lot more meaningless.
Most importantly I am thankful for the endless opportunities that I have here in Canada. The first example is sometimes I think "wow... how amazing is it that I have access to credit and can take out a student loan, just so that I can move out and be close to school? I can shape my life however I want? I can't believe how lucky I am!". Another example is how I visited a health clinic here in Calgary. I simply walked in and said I needed help, they took me in right away no questions asked, there were multiple nurses and doctors there to help, the office was clean, quiet and organized, they openly discussed my problem and their solution, but most amazingly I walked in and out free of charge. You might think, a typical visit to any health clinic in Canada right? Well when I compare this experience to my hospital experience in Ghana, I am overwhelmed with gratitude at how lucky I am to have such an amazing system. Not that the hospital in Ghana was remotely bad to say the least, it is just different than what I am used to and probably has less resources. Lastly, of course I have to be above all grateful for my education and job opportunities that are present in my life. These two things are really all anyone in the world needs to get there life moving in a positive direction and many people lack as much opportunity and choice that I have.
People of the world need to have equal capabilities and opportunities to make free decisions in life if there is ever to be true equality. Clearly... another "too-big" dream of mine.
Obviously there is also too much to be thankful for this thanksgiving! And I will go on using my gratitude to stay happy in my life so that I may spread happiness in the lives of others. Above all I am most grateful for continuously finding new meanings of grace as it has become the word which defines my life. I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and hope that you all take the time to also be thankful for the things that you would otherwise take for granted.
21 September 2013
Development Perceptions
Well I am back at school and trying to get back into the swing of things, which let's face it, a busy summer has anything but improved my procrastination abilities. But one day as I sat outside on campus on a beautiful sunny day, my friend began to interrogate me with questions to try and get me thinking about my honours thesis topic. She asked me "What were you expecting going to Ghana and how did your view change afterwards?" This really got me thinking.
Before going to Ghana I had this clear vision, or assumption rather, that everyone in Ghana actually knew what development studies was, because they live it and learn it. I was excited about this opportunity to finally be able to talk to people about development because not many people in Canada understand or care what it is. But what I found out when I was in Ghana, was that it was actually much harder to talk to people about development than I had thought. I came into it expecting that their knowledge would be very similar to mine, but of course this was not true and communication was rather difficult. I realized that they were totally aware of the development situations within their communities and in Ghana, but this was simply because they have grown up living it. Their surroundings and ways of living were completely normal to them of course, but coming from a privileged part of the world I saw everything differently and all I could see was ways things could be improved. Like housing quality, or home appliances or school tools for example. So when I would ask people "What do you need?" or "How do you think thins could be better?" I had a clear vision of these answers in my mind based on what I was used to in Canada. These presumptions didn't match the answers that the people would give me. They would simply say things like money or jobs, things that would simply improve their security of living so that they continue in their way of life. This did not necessarily mean requiring a change in the WAY they lived, which is what I was picturing. Then I realized maybe some of the things that I was picturing, these people had never been exposed to before so they didn't even exactly know how things could be different, and even if they did it probably wasn't necessary to their lives.
So after Ghana I learned that no matter what the living conditions are (and trust me, from the places I experienced, their living conditions are entirely liveable compared to some parts of the world), people will continue on in their everyday lives without much concern for such things because it is simply the way they live and that's all there is to it. They are going to go on surviving in day to day life no matter what Government, NGO, or volunteer comes in from the West trying to change their lives. This leaves me with somewhat of a moral dilemma... Who am I to come in and try to help them? Who says they are asking for help? Why is this necessary if they are going to keep on keeping on? How are we to compare living conditions of Bungalows in Calgary to the Compounds in Wusuta? If both groups of people are content in life then why does it matter? To me it would seem that the Ghanaians even have a happier outlook on life than Canadians. Where does this leave me and the dreams I'm trying to achieve?
I guess this comes down to one underlaying fact that both groups are somehow aware of the fact that one group is more privileged than the other. The truth is that getting to experience Ghanaian culture and living has left me undeniably grateful for the way I live in Canada. I am grateful for my quality of education, quality of living, quality of health care and above all the endless opportunities that I have at my fingertips here. If one place can offer me all of that and another can't, then I suppose something must be missing somewhere mustn't it? This is not to say that Ghana must be made to be like Canada, but they sure do deserve a lot more than what the global system has dealt them. The same goes for the rest of the world. I suppose this comes back around to the reason I went into development in the first place, it is inhumane that so few people live in exuberance while so many suffer, and it is not right that developed countries prosper at the expense of the rest of the world. This leads me to conclude that the privilege that fate has shown me and the grace that god has given me must be shared and it is up to me to find the most sustainable and culturally appropriate way to do that. And hopefully I can instil that same desire within others along the way.
Before going to Ghana I had this clear vision, or assumption rather, that everyone in Ghana actually knew what development studies was, because they live it and learn it. I was excited about this opportunity to finally be able to talk to people about development because not many people in Canada understand or care what it is. But what I found out when I was in Ghana, was that it was actually much harder to talk to people about development than I had thought. I came into it expecting that their knowledge would be very similar to mine, but of course this was not true and communication was rather difficult. I realized that they were totally aware of the development situations within their communities and in Ghana, but this was simply because they have grown up living it. Their surroundings and ways of living were completely normal to them of course, but coming from a privileged part of the world I saw everything differently and all I could see was ways things could be improved. Like housing quality, or home appliances or school tools for example. So when I would ask people "What do you need?" or "How do you think thins could be better?" I had a clear vision of these answers in my mind based on what I was used to in Canada. These presumptions didn't match the answers that the people would give me. They would simply say things like money or jobs, things that would simply improve their security of living so that they continue in their way of life. This did not necessarily mean requiring a change in the WAY they lived, which is what I was picturing. Then I realized maybe some of the things that I was picturing, these people had never been exposed to before so they didn't even exactly know how things could be different, and even if they did it probably wasn't necessary to their lives.
So after Ghana I learned that no matter what the living conditions are (and trust me, from the places I experienced, their living conditions are entirely liveable compared to some parts of the world), people will continue on in their everyday lives without much concern for such things because it is simply the way they live and that's all there is to it. They are going to go on surviving in day to day life no matter what Government, NGO, or volunteer comes in from the West trying to change their lives. This leaves me with somewhat of a moral dilemma... Who am I to come in and try to help them? Who says they are asking for help? Why is this necessary if they are going to keep on keeping on? How are we to compare living conditions of Bungalows in Calgary to the Compounds in Wusuta? If both groups of people are content in life then why does it matter? To me it would seem that the Ghanaians even have a happier outlook on life than Canadians. Where does this leave me and the dreams I'm trying to achieve?
I guess this comes down to one underlaying fact that both groups are somehow aware of the fact that one group is more privileged than the other. The truth is that getting to experience Ghanaian culture and living has left me undeniably grateful for the way I live in Canada. I am grateful for my quality of education, quality of living, quality of health care and above all the endless opportunities that I have at my fingertips here. If one place can offer me all of that and another can't, then I suppose something must be missing somewhere mustn't it? This is not to say that Ghana must be made to be like Canada, but they sure do deserve a lot more than what the global system has dealt them. The same goes for the rest of the world. I suppose this comes back around to the reason I went into development in the first place, it is inhumane that so few people live in exuberance while so many suffer, and it is not right that developed countries prosper at the expense of the rest of the world. This leads me to conclude that the privilege that fate has shown me and the grace that god has given me must be shared and it is up to me to find the most sustainable and culturally appropriate way to do that. And hopefully I can instil that same desire within others along the way.
18 September 2013
Wusuta Royal Academy Website Unveiled!
Emily, Shauna and myself have been hard at work developing a website for Wusuta Royal Academy so that all of our information and fundraising efforts may be in one convenient location for those who are interested! It is a big work in progress and we still have lot's of fundraising plans to include but the website is officially ready for use so please check it out!
http:// wusutaroyalacademy.weebly.com/
As well, here is our Go Fund Me donation page if you would like to help out Wusuta Royal Academy.
As well, here is our Go Fund Me donation page if you would like to help out Wusuta Royal Academy.
Royal Academy,
03 September 2013
Words of Wisdom
For Attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
For beautiful hair, let a child run their fingers through it once a day.
For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone. - Audrey Hepburn
02 September 2013
Official Information on Wusuta Royal Academy
Royal Academy Preparatory
& Junior High School, Wusuta (Ghana, West Africa)
Royal Academy Started
In 2006, Reverend Father Isaac
Benuyenah travelled to Canada and worked in the towns of Edam, Cochin Jackfish,
and Glaslyn (near North Battleford in Saskatchewan) as a Catholic pastor. He
wanted to raise money for children orphaned by HIV/AIDS in the Kpando
Municipality, since he had previously funded their education off books he had
written. Fr. Isaac collected cans, bottles, and tetra-paks in Canada and
recycled them. In five months, he raised $2,000 CAD from these bottle drives.
When he returned to Ghana in
2007, however, Fr. Isaac realized the need for a private school in Wusuta.
Parents enrolled their children in private schools in Vakpo and Anfoega, since
they perform better than public schools. These children have to walk 10-20 kilometres
a day, under the hot sun or in the rain, just to get to school and back home.
The toll on these children and the cost to their parents deeply affected Fr.
By consulting with his Local
Ordinary and the Regional Manager of Catholic Education, Fr. Isaac met with key
stakeholders in the Church and the Wusuta community to discuss this issue. A
decision was made to establish a private school in the community which would
provide education to the HIV/AIDS orphans as well as other vulnerable children in
With the $2,000 CAD that Fr.
Isaac raised, a four-unit classroom block was built along with 80 dual desks,
and the needed textbooks were purchased within three weeks. On September 10,
2007, Royal Academy School opened with 21 pupils, three teachers and one
financial clerk. Presently, the
school has 260 pupils from Kindergarten to Junior High School Form Three (or
Grade 9). There are 15 permanent staff members and two long-term volunteers
from Germany.
Academy’s Objectives
The principal aim of Royal Academy
is to develop excellent graduates who are academically and morally sound, with
the following objectives:
1. provide holistic and quality
education that will emphasize high moral/Catholic principles and academic
excellence as an alternative for children in and around Wusuta
2. create an enabling educational environment for children that
would put them on the same academic level as their counterparts in the city
3. bring affordable private
education to the doorsteps of parents and children who would have otherwise
travelled long distances.
The above objectives are
achievable through
employing qualified and disciplined teachers
2. providing quality supervision and monitoring of both
teacher and student
3. creating a disciplined environment that will help prepare
students for their external examinations, thus enabling them to easily gain
admission to Senior High Schools in Ghana.
The school currently has 11 classes
(Kindergarten 1&2, Primary 1-6, and Junior High Forms 1-3), but only 8
classrooms. The three classes that do not have a classroom hold their sessions
in the uncompleted basement of the new classroom block, which is still under
construction. None of the classrooms at the school have plastered walls, nor
are they painted. The corridors also require concrete floors since they become
very dusty.
Assistance to Brilliant and Needy Pupils
With financial assistance from
benefactors, the school awards scholarships to 22 brilliant and needy pupils
every term. Five HIV/AIDS orphans and eight other orphans in the school are
included in this scholarship package.
Though the school is just six years
old, the first Junior High graduates wrote the Basic Education Certificate
Examination (BECE) in 2011 and all passed. In 2012, the Junior High graduates
again all passed, placing Royal Academy in the sixth position out of 60 schools
in the Kpando Municipality. It is currently the best Junior High School in
Administration (in the ‘About’ section)
The School Management Committee
(SMC) is the Management Body responsible for making and implementing major
decisions of the school, including its governance, growth and welfare. The
Parents’ and Teachers’ Association (PTA) helps the SMC in the implementation of
matters that affect pupils, parents and projects. These two bodies decide the
fees to charge, the dress code, and the discipline in the school. The
Headmaster and the other members of staff execute the daily administration
duties of the school.
Academy Volunteers
In the past six years, the school
has played host to both national and international volunteers. The first volunteers
came from Canada in 2009 and stayed for two weeks. The African Center for Peace
Building sent a group of students from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science
& Technology (Kumasi) and the University of Ghana (Legon) to teach
voluntarily at the school from May to the end of July 2010.
The third group of
volunteers, German “Weltwärts” (formerly, “German Development Service”),
arrived in the school in September 2010 and left in August 2011. Another two
replaced them from September 2011 to August 2012. The current German volunteers
arrived in September 2012 and are due to leave in August 2013. On June 24,
2013, three volunteers from Canada also joined the staff for two weeks.
This intercultural
cooperation between Royal Academy Preparatory & Junior High School and thee
volunteer groups have helped improve the school’s reputation, international
relationship, and positively enhanced the image of the school. This cooperation
has brought an understanding of world cultures to the school and the entire
village of Wusuta.
Development Projects
1. There
is an urgent need for new classrooms. The foundations of a 19-unit classroom
complex are currently under construction. The block-laying of the basement is
complete though not furnished. Work began on the ground floor in July 2013.
2. A
plastic tank (polytank), which can store 700 liters of water has been purchased
and installed.
Areas of the School
1. The
classroom complex: The most pressing need of the school is to
complete the 19-unit classroom complex as soon as possible.
2. ICT
lab and library: The increasing number of pupils make it necessary
to have a library and an Information/Communication & Technology (ICT)
Laboratory, both of which have been included in building plans for the newest
3. Electricity:
Through the benevolence of some volunteers, the school has been connected to
the national electricity grid, which extended light to two classrooms. We are
soliciting for funds to do the same in other classrooms. Providing light to the
other classrooms will cost about GH 5,200 Cedis, or approximately $2,667 CAD.
3. Restrooms:
The school lacks a modern toilet facility. Both teachers and pupils use a pit
latrine, which is unhygienic.
4. Learning
materials: The school needs textbooks (especially English Readers),
desks, and other teaching and learning materials. GH 180 Cedis (approximately
$92 CAD) can provide all the text books of a JHS 1 (Grade 7) student. A desk
for a student costs GH 80 Cedis (approximately $41 CAD).
5. Computers
(new and/or used): A new desktop computer and a used one cost about
GH 600 Cedis and GH 200 Cedis, respectively, or $308 and $103 CAD.
6. An
Overhead Polytank for storing water:
A plastic tank which can store 1500 liters of water at the school costs
GH 3,500 Cedis (approximately $1,795 CAD).
7. Volunteers:
We need volunteers who would stay for at least a year to teach and/or render
other related services.
8. Scholarships
for needy and brilliant students: It takes GH 258 Cedis
(approximately $132 CAD) in this 2012/2013 academic year to educate a pupil in
Royal Academy.
from Fr. Isaac
We solicit assistance from
individuals, corporate organizations, societies, clubs, groups, associations,
Churches, foundations, school, etc. We believe we can and we will reach our
goals through your generous assistance in kind and/or cash. If you are touched
by this passionate appeal, you may donate a “Shoe Box” during the coming
Thanksgiving and Christmas festivities to Royal Academy Preparatory &
Junior High School, Wusuta (Ghana), or bequeath something in kind and/or cash
to the school, or leave a testament for it. The school has an account at the
Credit Union in Edam (Canada) where you can send your donations to.
Royal Academy
You may contact the school through
the following addresses:
Ms. Jeanette Gorski
Royal Academy Preparatory &
Junior High School, Wusuta
Christ the King Parish, P.O. Box
Edam, SK, S0M 0V0
Tel: 001-306-397-2828 / 001-306-892-4312
Email: jgorski@sasktel.net
Royal Academy Preparatory &
Junior High School, Wusuta (Ghana)
P.O. Box 9, Vakpo, Volta Region
Ghana, West Africa
Tel: 00233 (0)249535471 / 00233
Email: ikbenu@hotmail.com
Wusuta Royal Academy
Well I believe that I have finally received a break in this crazy busy summer of mine to sit down and start sharing some of my Ghana experiences, it has been long overdue! I have decided that the first experience I would like to write about is my volunteer experience at Wusuta Royal Academy, a private school in the village of Wusuta in the Kpando district of the Volta region in Ghana. I spent two weeks volunteering here after my group study finished. So here is the story of my amazing first volunteer abroad experience :)
The Adventure Begins.
Originally before embarking on this trip I had hoped to volunteer at an orphanage. I had even found an amazing place called Fathers House, which houses eight boys who were rescued from child slavery in Ghana's fishing industry. Unfortunately, my plans to volunteer there fell through and I had to find a new placement at the last minute. Thankfully, our professor Kodzo came through with accomodation and volunteer placements for Emily and Shauna, who were kind enough to take me in on their adventure to Kodzo's village, Wusuta!
Here is Kodzo and the driver forcing our bags into the back of the trotro with a rope,
We weren't sure if our bags would make it to our destination when we got in the back
of the cramped van but we stayed positive and excited for our next adventure.
The drive to Wusuta was an adventure but it was filled with many beautiful things to see and of course we made it to Wusuta safely. Upon arrival at Father Isaac's house we received a warm meal, an introduction and welcoming to the school's teachers, a preview of the school in the evening, and settled nicely into our lovely room. The next morning we walked to school and our first day on the job consisted of an introduction from the headmaster about the organization of books, classes and teachings. We had hoped that we might get a little prepared before we began teaching and that we would start off by sitting in on other teachers' classes but to our great surprise the very first thing we did was teach.... ALONE! They separated the three of us girls into three separate classes, gave us some English books and we had to improvise lessons on the spot basically as substitute teachers in front of rambunctious students! I tried my best but I was rather uncomfortable with this situation as I had never taught before and I much prefer to be sitting with the children helping them than in front of them teaching.
Needless to say we were all overwhelmed by the experience alone, let alone how different the school system was compared to what we grew up with. We ended the first day early as I had some minor medical issues to deal with. So I had decided that I would be a much better help to Father Isaac and his school if I could focus on helping the other teachers, learning about the school, spending time with the students, and documenting my experience with notes and pictures so that I may form a better understanding to fundraise for the private school in the future. So that is how I spent the rest of my two weeks volunteering! Let's face it... I am a development practitioner, not a teacher and my skills are much better directed to raising funds for the school. So I suppose that's what this blog post is really about, sharing what I learned about Royal Academy in hopes that others may take interest and understand why I so badly wish to help this amazing school!
The road up to the school yard that everybody walks up to school each day. |
A picture of the school's timetable for all 9 classes: KG1-2, P1-6 and JHS1-3. Subjects include:
English, Math, Science, French, Ewe (local language), ICT (computers), Library (books),
Citizenship, Social Studies, RME (religious moral education), Creative Arts and PE.
Why the School Needs Some Help.
Royal Academy was started out of the kindness of Father Isaac's heart and his wish to help educate some children in his area who had been orphaned by AIDS. Soon he realized that all of Wusuta itself would benefit from a school. For more information on the story of how Royal Academy originated and for more exact information about need areas of the school, please visit my other blog post here.
The entire school complex with the original first building to the right.
The beginning of the new three-floored building to increase number of classrooms in the school.
A long-standing work in progress and proof that the school still needs a lot of financial assistance.
Even though the building is not finished yet, two classes are still held within the first floor.
The donated playground, which is nice to have in the school yard
but it is rather out of date and infrequently used.
The school's headmaster and a teacher showing off the water tank.
The inside of a kindergarden classroom.
Experiencing Wusuta.
Volunteering in Wusuta obviously wasn't all work as we had many cool experiences and got to do a lot of lovely sight seeing in the area :) I absolutely loved the coastal regions of Ghana but I don't think anything can really compare to the tropical forests and mountains around Lake Volta.
Father Isaac in action at a Catholic church service.
Us volunteers were lucky enough to have Father Isaac arrange for us to climb
to the top of Mount Afadjato, one of the tallest mountains in Ghana. This is
one of the amazing views from the top.
Here is me in front of Lake Volta, which is the biggest man made lake in the world.
Wusuta is just under an hour's walk to the incredible Lake Volta.
Myself, Emily and Shauna with Father Isaac in his home where we stayed.
This small mountain I'm standing on is right behind Father Isaac's house in Wusuta.
My two German volunteer friends, Dominick and Ole, were kind enough to
bring me to the top so I could see the sun set on Lake Volta! Another one of the
amazing adventure opportunities when staying in Wusuta!
A better view of the sunset on Lake Volta. |
The Happy People of Royal Academy.
Here are some snap shots of the fun times we had being at the school everyday!
A morning assembly in the school football field.
Shauna and Emily with a few of the teachers.
A group of the Kindergarden students, the craziest and cutest bunch of kids I've ever met.
Our dear friend Moses the teacher with his class. He was overly welcoming
and generous to us, it is not often you find such a nice person so I am very
fortunate to have met him and happy the school has found such a caring teacher.
Myself with cute little Faffali, I could carry her around all day!
Myself with some more of the KG kids. I spent a lot of time with them and their
shenanigans since most teachers avoid them because they're so crazy. I spent time
listening to their many songs and dances, teaching them the macarena, chasing them
around the field, spinning them around and breaking up their many fights.
Exhausting to say the least!
Headmaster Godknows at his desk.
My German friends Ole and Dominik, they spent a year teaching English and
Math at Royal Academy and the school really wouldn't be the same without
all of their amazing help!
Reading with the girls from P4.
One of many Azonto dance competitions.
Where Do We Go From Here?
We quickly realized that the two weeks we spent at Royal Academy would never be nearly enough time to help the school in all of the ways we wanted. So we decided early on to brainstorm ways in which we could continue helping the school move forward in meeting their needs, even after we came home to Canada. One of the first ways we decided we could help is to fundraise by selling bags and other goods made out of reused water satchels.
We quickly realized that the two weeks we spent at Royal Academy would never be nearly enough time to help the school in all of the ways we wanted. So we decided early on to brainstorm ways in which we could continue helping the school move forward in meeting their needs, even after we came home to Canada. One of the first ways we decided we could help is to fundraise by selling bags and other goods made out of reused water satchels.
The beginning of an awesome fundraising project that Emily, Shauna and I are
working on! These are the rubbers of the water drinking satchels that continuously
go to waste. We decided to collect the rubbers and bring them home to sew into hand bags :)
When we told the headmaster, he ordered the entire school to help collect rubbers for us.
On our last day at Wusuta Academy we came to find this group of students organizing hundreds
of these rubbers that the students brought for us, I felt amazed and blessed! And yes.. we had to
bring that huge bag all the way back to Canada! I will keep you posted on how our work will be going.
The headmaster and I helping out the students.
Please stay posted for a new blog post on all our plans to help the school! Coming Soon!
07 July 2013
Reflective Paper
Here is a copy of my Reflective paper for my Development studies course to prove I learned something, I hope you enjoy!
My entire life I have been a dreamer, not a do-er, and this trap
between making dreams a reality has been a common definition throughout my
life. Coming to Africa has been
the one dream that has remained constant and true for as long as I can
remember. Now that my dream has
become real in this trip to Ghana I couldn’t be happier and I continue to push
the boundaries of doing things that I never even dreamed of doing. I knew it
would be hard and I thought that I would have a hard time adjusting to life in
Ghana, but the truth is that I have never felt so perfectly content in my life
and not once did I miss home. To me, this is a sign that I am meant to be here and
I can’t wait to come back to Ghana and even see the rest of Africa. I have decided to write my reflective
paper based on the two defining moments that I have had the privilege of
experiencing during my time in Ghana. These are the most outstanding moments that helped me to stop
and think about what is really going on.
Feeding the hungry.
The very first moment where I can look back on this trip and
recognize a deep change is one of the first days in Accra when we were riding
the bus through the busy streets.
I was eating a popsicle at the back of the bus when an older woman
walked up to the window and gestured to her mouth begging for food. This was
the first time I ever had anyone ask me for food before, so I sat there
dumbfounded not knowing what to do. Afterwards Brandon went to go hand her his
popsicle and as she reached out to grab it the bus drove away and it dropped on
the ground and she went without. I felt so guilty that I couldn’t even finish
my own popsicle. It did not seem fair to me that I should have so much that I
don’t need while someone watched in need. This was the first moment where I
ever came into contact with the types of people that I have thought about
helping for so long, and I got upset when I realized that I didn’t know how to
help. I could see this moment as a symbol for many other events that I will
encounter in my development career. What I took away from this experience was
that I must use my privilege to help others who are less able to help
themselves and then maybe those small acts of kindness and recognition of the
poor and hungry are enough to spark some kind of generosity within the world.
People and a culture of kindness.

Last but not least, this is a picture of my favorite
experience in Ghana. The lady to my left is named Grace and I met her at a
dancing and drumming session outside of my home at the chief’s compound. We had
just spontaneously came across this dance festival and decided to check it out
when Grace welcomed us with the most joyful smile I have ever seen and
continued to teach us their traditional dances. A few days later I ran into her on the street and found out
that she was my neighbor, as well I found out that her name was Grace, which is
a word that has always had great meaning in my life. She invited me to her home
to teach me how to make banku with okro soup. This is a picture of that night
with these two beautiful ladies who treated me with such joy and kindness,
along with the many great grandchildren and neighborhood children that stood
around me the whole night in curiosity. It was amazing to see how different
something as simple as cooking and cleaning could be in a village like
Dzelukope. It was even more amazing to see how it was a group effort among
women and how they laughed at me when I told them that I don’t know how to
cook. I have never had people treat me with such kindness before. Grace went
out of her way to share a very nice meal with me, she offered me to eat first,
she offered me the leftovers, she offered me a piece of fabric to wear as a
skirt to wear home and even keep, she offered me water, and she offered me a
gold bracelet. Most of these things I couldn’t accept and I told her I was
happy to just sit there talking with her as she told me about her family, her
home, her community and way of life. Never have I experienced such generosity, and
it is that kind of generosity that made me start caring for the world in the
first place so I am unbelievably blessed for that to happen.
If anything, the biggest thing I can take away from this
trip is a desire to come back and immerse myself in a single community in hopes
of understanding it fully so that by knowing the people better, I have a better
chance of helping them. But in all honesty this is more of a selfish dream as I
just need more of Ghanaian life, I need to know more people and more culture
and I just can’t get enough.
I feel as though this theme of trying to make dreams a
reality if more than fitting when it comes to studying development in Africa
because it is all about trying to make the world a better place for all people.
I believe that this limbo between thinking, dreaming and theorizing development
and living, doing and making development is an essential place for any
development practitioner to be. If it were not for the dream, the practitioner
would have nothing to do, and if it were not for the practice, the theorist
would not have anything to dream about. A lifetime of dreaming has resulted in
some pretty big and maybe unrealistic dreams. I dream of a world where people
are irrevocably generous and kind to one another, where women no longer live in
fear, where all children are looked after, where no one goes to bed hungry, where
no one remains sick unnecessarily, where every single person has equal access
to education and never stops learning, where women and men have the freedom to
love who they choose without persecution, where legacies of racism can reconcile,
where war is a long lost memory, where children are not made to be slaves or
soldiers, where one person’s extravagant life does not come at the expense of
another person’s livelihood, where people’s opportunities are not limited by an
unfair system, where opulent ignorance ends so that peaceful sharing can begin,
where we no longer have to worry whether or not a particular animal or
ecosystem will be alive for our children to see, and a world where all people
can live in complete peace. I do not wish to look down on a small village or
group of people and point out all the things that are wrong in their lives, but
I wish to use my privilege to reach out my hand and raise those up who ask for
help in the ways that they need. Most of all, I dream of a world where all
people have the freedom to make the their own dreams a reality. I am so blessed to have taken part in
this trip to Ghana because it has confirmed that these are the dreams that I
want to spend the rest of my life working towards.
"For Attractive
lips, speak words of kindness.
For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
For beautiful hair, let a child run their fingers through it once a day.
For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.
People, more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed. Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you will find one at the end of each of your arms.
As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself and the other for helping others."
— Audrey Hepburn
For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
For beautiful hair, let a child run their fingers through it once a day.
For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.
People, more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed. Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you will find one at the end of each of your arms.
As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself and the other for helping others."
— Audrey Hepburn
Last Night in Ghana
It is suffice to say that I contributed less blog posts than anticipated, as internet is a rare thing to come across in the developing world! So now that I have internet I will do one last blog during my time in Ghana, as it is my last night in Ghana! I am very sad to leave as I feel like I could spend the rest of my life in this beautiful country, but so many things have happened back home that it will be good to go home.
I have discovered a strength inside of me that I never knew existed. I have discovered that it is possible to enjoy life even when living conditions make it hard. I have discovered that I am surrounded by brilliant like-minded people and it has been amazing to commune with them. I have discovered a new appreciation for the simplest things. I have discovered how to enjoy every moment in life and take advantage of every opportunity. I have discovered that there are actual real manifestations of everything I have learned about the world, giving purpose to everything I have worked towards in school. It is so satisfying to have faces and experiences and memories to motivate the dreams that I will now work towards, yet extremely overwhelming and even frustrating. The higher energy guiding my life, whoever that may be, continues to bless me in every way.
All I can say is as much as I had always dreamed of coming to Africa and believing that my trip to Ghana would change my life, I never would have expected it to change in so many ways. In ways that do not alter who I am, but rather reinforce everything that I ever wanted to be, knew that I could be, and now I am that person! I am sad that this trip will soon be a memory but I leave knowing that it will always stay with me no matter where I go in life.
I know this is just a broad personal overview and that there are still many stories and experiences to be told, but I will share those in blog posts later on when I get home as I am able to look through my pictures and journal. I will continue to share in the future but in the mean time, here is my favourite picture of the trip!
I have discovered a strength inside of me that I never knew existed. I have discovered that it is possible to enjoy life even when living conditions make it hard. I have discovered that I am surrounded by brilliant like-minded people and it has been amazing to commune with them. I have discovered a new appreciation for the simplest things. I have discovered how to enjoy every moment in life and take advantage of every opportunity. I have discovered that there are actual real manifestations of everything I have learned about the world, giving purpose to everything I have worked towards in school. It is so satisfying to have faces and experiences and memories to motivate the dreams that I will now work towards, yet extremely overwhelming and even frustrating. The higher energy guiding my life, whoever that may be, continues to bless me in every way.
All I can say is as much as I had always dreamed of coming to Africa and believing that my trip to Ghana would change my life, I never would have expected it to change in so many ways. In ways that do not alter who I am, but rather reinforce everything that I ever wanted to be, knew that I could be, and now I am that person! I am sad that this trip will soon be a memory but I leave knowing that it will always stay with me no matter where I go in life.
I know this is just a broad personal overview and that there are still many stories and experiences to be told, but I will share those in blog posts later on when I get home as I am able to look through my pictures and journal. I will continue to share in the future but in the mean time, here is my favourite picture of the trip!
My biggest dream becoming real... Seeing a wild African Elephant on a walking safari in GHANAA!
... and a little peak into the future ;)
03 June 2013
Life in Dzelukope!
Today is my last day of life in Dzelukope! We have been here for two weeks and enjoying every minute! I have been living with the chief of the village, which has been interesting. Our time has been spent on the beach, waiting for food, sight seeing, class under the trees, researching (interviewing people), partying at the little club, restaurants, street food and a little bit of cooking, dancing and lot's of music and socializing!
The people here are the Anlo culture and they speak Ewe. Us white folks get A LOT of attention... anytime we are walking down the street we hear people yelling "yevu" at us which means "people from the horizon" (stranger).
The Ewe people are named according to the day of the week they are born. So for Tuesday borns like me girls are called Abla and boys are called Cobla.
PS: Correction in my last post. Not ALL Recycled computers and electronics are dumped here, some recycle depots may be responsible with it but I just want you to be conscious of where you are putting your old products!!
The Keta Sea Defence Wall.
Dzelukope is a village located in the Keta district of Anlo state in Volta region in GHANA!
Keta is a district with a big lagoon to the north, the ocean to the south and rainfall from above (in the rainy season which JUST started). So they are a big fishing culture but have a lot of issues with flooding and destruction of buildings. So the government built this sea defence wall to along the beach to protect Keta homes from further erosion. The beach is very beautiful and warm with big waves :)
Here is Alana and I posing with our tiny cot beds and mosquito nets. I think we got jipped on the bed end of this trip! not even any pillows but at least we got a good ceiling fan!
Here are two of the 4 little kitties that live in my compound!
Here is Alana and I with one of our host grandmother's at the chief's house.
They don't speak English but they are very nice and like to watch lost outside at night :)
Here is a view of the Keta Market!
Lot's of food and beads and fabric.
Here is me at the club 3T where we go dancing almost every night. These are my Nigerian friends (Motown is on the right).
They love to play with my hair :)
Photo Credit to Cailean David AKA Cobla AKA Courage
19 May 2013
Well I am finally here! I can't even begin to describe my experience so far as my senses are being over exposed by everything there is to see! The commute was long but enjoyable as we got to experience old Amsterdam. And then the first moments of stepping off the plane into Accra can only be explained as the excitement became real once that humidity and heat suctioned to my body. I am really quite happy here, I have so many friends to help me through the little struggles. For example: toilets do not like to flush for me, my bathing suit top busted before I even got in any water, I'm drinking my weight in water as I have never sweat so much in my life (air conditioning in the hotel room is a blessing and I don't know what I will do without it when we leave tomorrow), the food is fine but my appetite doesn't like to stick around. But the most difficult thing is seeing so much poverty, and being in the city this isn't even the BAD kind of poverty. The first word I could use to describe Accra is shopping mall, the streets are filled with people trying to sell things to make a living. There is a lot of traffic here so people walk up and down the rows of traffic with baskets on their heads trying to sell things from the window. Anything from sugar cane and cassava to towels and rope to puppies! It is really quite amazing how lively this informal economy is. The second word I would use to describe Accra is garbage dump. There is literally pollution and garbage everywhere. Even swimming in the Atlantic ocean, countless pieces of trash bags would fold around me as they get pulled into the beach, presumedly from the tons of trash bags that get dumped in the ocean every year. I had heard in school about the electronic waste that gets sent to Ghana but now that I have actually seen it, I want to share with you how terrible it is. Can you count how many phones, computers, TVs, and stereos you have bought in your lifetime? Probably too many as is the case with most people in North America. You know how you go take your old electronics to recycling centers? well they don't actually recycle them. Instead they get shipped to places like Accra, where the people try to repair, salvage and use what they can but anything else gets burned. I actually saw a ton of black toxic chemical smoke billowing from an electronic dump just a short distance away from a shanty town where people live, and even closer to the river which is undoubtedly being polluted as a result. The fact that Africa is already so poverty stricken in so many ways that it is hard to escape is quite shocking to see that they are also getting dumped on by the waste that comes from the developed world.
But do you hear these people ever complain? No, they live their lives day to day for the present moment and are harder working than anyone you will meet. Their compassion is unending, there is always somebody willing to stop and say hi and help you find wherever it is you are going and find out where you came from. Awudo our hotel driver shared his experience of how things are in Ghana and it can only be explained as an interconnection of many factors of oppression and exploitation. But he was not complaining or feeling sorry or trying to get anything from us, he was simply sharing the truth.
This is a pretty grim picture so far but I can assure you that it is also beautiful and amazing here as well. All of the trees, the warmest water, delicious food, amazing art work and culture, and of course the spirit of the people. I can't wait to get out of the city and into the village where I will be able to dig deeper into how people lives their lives and
Until then, Peace and Love from Ghana.
Notes for pictures:
#1: View from hotel... yes we have a pool! Clearly we are in the rich part of Accra
#2: Drinking Coconuts for hydration and eating the fruit
#3: Group shot on the beach, a few local children snuck in, they love being in pictures!
#4: Me enjoying the Atlantic ocean for the first time in my life, off the coast of Ghana
#5: Eating lunch along the coast of Accra. Here is a close up shot of the garbage that piles in along the shoreline from the ocean
#6: Me trying fufu for the first time :) Not what I expected, it is a cassava (potato) paste in soup that you scoop with your fingers. This one is a spicy goat soup. Yes I tried a tiny bite of goat meat... not sure if I regret it yet or not.
But do you hear these people ever complain? No, they live their lives day to day for the present moment and are harder working than anyone you will meet. Their compassion is unending, there is always somebody willing to stop and say hi and help you find wherever it is you are going and find out where you came from. Awudo our hotel driver shared his experience of how things are in Ghana and it can only be explained as an interconnection of many factors of oppression and exploitation. But he was not complaining or feeling sorry or trying to get anything from us, he was simply sharing the truth.
This is a pretty grim picture so far but I can assure you that it is also beautiful and amazing here as well. All of the trees, the warmest water, delicious food, amazing art work and culture, and of course the spirit of the people. I can't wait to get out of the city and into the village where I will be able to dig deeper into how people lives their lives and
Until then, Peace and Love from Ghana.
Notes for pictures:
#1: View from hotel... yes we have a pool! Clearly we are in the rich part of Accra
#2: Drinking Coconuts for hydration and eating the fruit
#3: Group shot on the beach, a few local children snuck in, they love being in pictures!
#4: Me enjoying the Atlantic ocean for the first time in my life, off the coast of Ghana
#5: Eating lunch along the coast of Accra. Here is a close up shot of the garbage that piles in along the shoreline from the ocean
#6: Me trying fufu for the first time :) Not what I expected, it is a cassava (potato) paste in soup that you scoop with your fingers. This one is a spicy goat soup. Yes I tried a tiny bite of goat meat... not sure if I regret it yet or not.
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