05 January 2012

New Years Resoutions

With the New Year getting into 2012, it is time for setting some real resolutions and reshaping my focus. I'm not much  of a New Years Resolution person, BUT this is even MORE motivation to add to meeting my goals for getting to Ghana! Here we go. . .

My New Years Resolution for 2012 is to prepare myself financially and academically to achieve my Ghana Trip. 

Goal #1: Win some scholarships, grants &bursaries! Apply to at least a minimum of 10 Scholarships by the end of Winter Semester, eventually 20. Look up Students Union Grants and Financial Aid programs over the Winter Semester and put into action over the summer.

Goal #2: Work hard, save money, spend less ALL YEAR! Start by getting a better job and making a budget.

Goal #3: Begin Minor in African Studies. Take Spring and/or Summer courses to get ahead in African studies. 

Execution: Share plan with people who are important to me to hold myself accountable.